Jan. 15, 2024

I don't like making New Year's resolutions because it's frustrating not accomplishing them. This year, I just want to be happy, and healthy and enjoy life with the people I love.

I'll start a new course, I used to study Physiotherapy at University, I almost graduated but I wasn't happy, so I left. It was a very hard decision, a lot of people judged me and said crazy and reckless for doing this, and that I was too old to start again. I had depression and this is the worst thing I've ever experienced so far. I'm good now, but wish I could erase this illness from the world. Nobody deserves to go through depression.

This year, I'll start studying Psychology. I hope I can get into the Federal University of my State (in Brazil, Federal Universities are free, the entrance exam is not that difficult, but very tiring and the competition is high).

I think that's it. I wish the best for everybody. Ok, maybe one resolution: I want to improve my coding skills and this kind of stuff. In 2023 I finally had the courage to launch my website, despite my limitations, I took the first step and this is very important to me because I wanted to do it since I was a kid in the 2000s. If anyone is reading this, Happy New Year, and thanks for visiting my LittleCloud. ♡